
Counselling Services, Psychotherapy & Coaching

My name is Paul Dykes and I’m a fully qualified counsellor and performance coach.

I guide people towards a deeper understanding of themselves, and each other… and I could help you too.

My goal is to enable and empower each person I see to work through their concerns and, ultimately, live a happier and more meaningful life. 

I help all types of people improve their lives across a range of circumstances – from individuals looking for counselling services and couples keen to strengthen their relationship, to psychotherapy sessions, performance coaching and even Employee Assistance Program (EAP) support for small- to medium-sized business employers.

I wasn’t always a counsellor, though. Previously, I had a 20-year professional career in sponsorship, marketing and communications. This extensive life experience, which taught me the ability to empathise with others, undoubtedly makes me a better counsellor. It means I’m able to connect with people from all walks of life, helping them get to the bottom of their life situation, and any related issues, quickly and efficiently. When combined with my formal postgraduate training – I hold a Graduate Diploma in Counselling from the University of Canberra and nearing completion of my Masters – I’m able to offer you a well-rounded, practical and fully client-centred service using the latest tried and tested theoretical approaches.

I see clients face-to-face in Canberra, Australia, welcoming them into my friendly practice overlooking peaceful gardens; a perfect location to discuss your concerns in a calm and relaxing environment. But if you’re based further afield, I can help you too – I regularly conduct Zoom sessions with clients from across Australia, or even as far away as the US and UK.